MiSTer CPS2 “Public Beta” Core Released

Jotego has just released a “public beta” core for the Capcom Play System 2 on the MiSTer FPGA project.  Anyone can try this core, simply by downloading it from github, manually installing it on their MiSTer’s MicroSD card and loading the roms in the corresponding folders.  You can also get it by enabling Jotego’s beta […]

MiSTer FPGA: 240p over HDMI (Direct Video)

The MiSTer FPGA project has been one of the most exciting things in retro gaming.  While I’ll soon have a video (or series) covering everything it can do, I wanted to take the time to highlight one specific feature in this post:  Direct Video.  This allows you to connect the DE-10’s HDMI port to a […]

CPS2IOI Pre-Order

Mike, the creator of the HAS has just opened pre-orders on pre-assembled versions of his CPS2IOI board.  This device is meant to be used with Markus’ CPSHDMI project, allowing for a fully-functional CPS2 without a supergun!:  https://homearcadesystem.wordpress.com/cps2ioi/ The pre-order page has options to add a kick harness, controller adapter and more, starting at around $45 USD […]

MiSTer FPGA News – Groovy MiSTer, MiSTerCast, TapTo, MiSTex & More

MiSTerCast Shane Lynch has released updates for MrCast, fixing several issues. One update addresses the incorrect use of commas as decimal points, improving functionality for European users. Another update significantly reduces CPU usage, with reports of up to 50% reduction. Post 1 : https://x.com/iequalshane/status/1761880086255374340?t=90Q-B_y8Q-yikIEcecQ5JQ&s=09 Post 2 : https://twitter.com/iequalshane/status/1761962998418083889?t=5LbRW-qPHgkl18ZkAug8Ew&s=19   Groovy MiSTer Banding Ruleset has forked the Groovy […]

Weekly Roundup #344

Here’s this week’s roundup, sponsored by JLCPCB! Spend only $2 for 5pcs 1-4 layer PCBs ; PCBA from $0:  https://jlcpcb.com/DRE The Roundup is available as a video and on all audio-only podcast services, such as iTunes, Google, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music and direct-download:  https://anchor.fm/retrorgb If you enjoy these videos, please consider supporting this channel via monthly […]

OSSC “dexx” Addon For DE-10 Demo’d

Markus, the creator of the Open Source Scan Converter, cpsdigi_av and upcoming OSSC Pro joined me on a livestream to demo his latest product:  The DExx-vd_isl.  This device essentially turns the DE-10 Nano – the same exact dev board used with the MiSTer FPGA project – into an “OSSC Pro Lite”;  Much of the code […]

MiSTer Updates – PC8801 Core, PSX RAM requirements and more

PC8801 Computer Core A computer core for the Japanese PC8801 computer by NEC has recently been released. This was one of Japan’s most popular computers that had a lot of game developer support from companies such as Sega, Enix, Square, Konami and many more. MiSTerFPGA update: https://misterfpga.org/viewtopic.php?p=41052#p41052 Github: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/PC88_MiSTer Using Original Game Boxes to Load […]