
Analogue Nt Mini Noir Jailbreak

I just released the Analogue Nt Mini Noir Jailbreak. For all the juicy details and instructions, see my new video. There is way too much to list here, but in short there are several new and improved cores, a complete overhaul of the NES JB core, and most importantly, the return of CopyNES, the cartridge […]


CPS2Companion Transforms Arduino Into CPS2 EPROM Dumper/Flasher

Loïc Petit released an open-source project to build an add-on for the Arduino Mega that allows you to easily dump or flash Capcom CPS2 Arcade EPROMs for people who want a dedicated device, or who don’t have a full EEPROM burner setup. This solution is tailored specifically to CPS2, and includes security injection based on […]