Weekly Roundup #197

Here’s this week’s roundup!  An audio-only version, is available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify and for direct-download:  https://www.retrorgb.com/podcast/?name=2020-04-15_197.mp3 eBay Store:  https://ebay.to/2ESH3e4 Video available on YouTube (above), LBRY and Bitchute:  Please consider signing up as a supporter!  Either hit Join, tip or pledge on this video, or sign up through the following services:  https://www.floatplane.com/channel/RobertNeal  / https://www.patreon.com/retrorgb   T-Shirts:  […]

Dreamcast Replacement PSU Design Analysed

Lately, I’ve been hearing more people talk about replacing a console’s internal power supply.  Sometime’s it’s as simple as the original died and people have the skills to replace the power board, but not to recap and repair it, making a new design a convenient option.  Other times, it’s because people are looking for wordwide […]

Displaced Gamers: Intro To Chroma

Displaced Gamers recently posted an excellent video that explains chroma – Or, essentially how colors are created with analog video signals. The video starts out by breaking down analog video formats and demonstrating how the signals are generated.  I love the examples they used of oscilloscope captures shown over 100% color bars!  This is one […]

Calculating Thevenin Resistance

About once a month, I’ll send a message to Ste asking him:  “Hey, if I plug your cables into this new device, will the voltage be okay?  I measured on the scope at X volts.” …and every time, he’d respond saying he “doesn’t have enough information to answer that”, throwing adult words at me like […]

Weekly Roundup #176

UPDATE:  Marseille has responded and confirmed that pre-6th generation consoles through the OSSC aren’t supported through the mClassic, as they’ll output non-standard timings. Consoles like the GameCube, Wii, Xbox and PS2 (and newer) should be compatible though. Here’s this week’s roundup!  An audio-only version, is available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify and for direct-download: Video […]

SCART Test Board

Video Game Perfection has just listed a few of fidde’s SCART test boards for sale:  https://www.videogameperfection.com/products/scart-test-board/ This is an interesting device, designed for a few pretty niche-but-useful oscilloscope testing scenario’s.  First any hardware developer who’s testing a device that outputs SCART could use this to easily probe signals live and in real time.  You’d of course […]

Neo Geo MV1B / MV1C DIY “supergun” kits

There’s now an eBay seller listing a sub-$40 do-it-yourself MVS “supergun” kits for any Neo Geo MVS board that uses the JAMMA standard (I believe mostly MV1B & MV1C).  The creator previously sold some high quality MiSTer boards and has recently moved on to other projects, including this one. While I haven’t had a chance […]

Testing Controller Lag

la·ten·cy [ˈlātənsē] – the delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer. – oxford dictionary. Modern gaming systems take into account the various inherent latencies and specifically code games within those limits to give us gamers an enjoyable experience. The systems often output at the TVs native resolution, reducing the […]