Dan aka Citrus3000psi has just opened pre-orders on what he’s saying will be the last production run of the Wii Dual: https://shop.dansprojects.com/wiidual-kit-pre-order.html
There’s no official word on if or when there will be a follow-up product, so if you’re looking to get high quality RGB and HDMI out of your original Wii, you might want to jump on this. I reviewed the product awhile back and while there were issues with how some of the video capture comparisons came out, all my conclusions were the same: It’s a noticeable improvement over the original output that Wii enthusiasts will appreciate, however your average Wii user would be fine with some HD Retrovision cables and a cheap DAC. Maybe check out the review (below) and decide for yourself?
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The WiiDigital project has been put on an indefinite hold for now. (I won't go into details) But with that said I will be doing one final run of the WiiDual. https://t.co/RrviLjpO4k
This is a pre-order. I will purchase however many based upon the initial demand.
— Dan Kunz (@citrus3000psi) June 17, 2020