
OSSC Pro Now Available

The OSSC Pro is now in stock and available to purchase.  The price came to about $360 including shipping, as well as the remote & international PSU.  I’ll be doing a livestream later today with creator Markus around 3PM NYC time – Come check it out live!

Purchase Here:
OSSC Pro Wiki:
Original OSSC:

While the launch of the OSSC Pro would have been a bit more exciting back when it was ready for release, the part shortage killed any chance of that happening.  Luckily, I still think it’s a great product that absolutely has its place!  While I’ll be releasing a video soon that summarizes which scaler is right for you, here’s a basic idea:  If you’d like to scale HDMI consoles like the GameCube, or modded Xbox and Wii to 1440p, this is as cheap as you’re going to find a scaler with an HDMI input.  Also, if you have arcade boards or retro PC’s that aren’t compatible with the RT5x and you’d like to take advantage of true 1440p scaling, the OSSC Pro is for you.  Lastly, expert-tinkerer’s will love the choice of three built in scaling modes:  Adaptive Line Multiplier, Pure Line Multiplier and buffered scaler.

While the still-amazing original OSSC will probably still be many people’s go-to (just don’t buy cheap, low-quality clones!!!), I still think the OSSC Pro is a great device and absolutely has a place in the retro scene.  And I’m excited to see what updates Markus has in store for us!

If you’d like to hear more from the creator, please check out the interview we did a few years ago – Just search your favorite podcast app for “RetroRGB Markus”, or watch the video below:

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