
RAD2x – New Round Of Pre-Orders Open

Pre-Orders for the zero-latency RAD2x HDMI plug & play adapters are now open for the Genesis, SNES, PlayStation and Saturn.  The price is about $75 each plus shipping and they’re due to arrive to customers in March.  At the moment, these are still the only “HDMI cables” I’d recommend for those consoles and they’re an excellent choice.  The launch video above is a few years old, but still 100% accurate (other than the color of the shell), plus I have videos for each version below.  Tons more info below the link:

Purchase RAD2x Cables:

A question I commonly get is: “Should I get a RetroTINK 2x or the RAD 2x?”.  Years later, my answer hasn’t really changed:  It all depends on your total setup.  For example if your only retro consoles are a PS1 and a Genesis/Mega Drive, the RAD2x is the better choice, as you’ll have access to RGB-out, with no worry about compatibility and no need for extra cables.  That said, if you have a ton of older consoles and already have at least composite cables for each, the RetroTINK 2x would be cheaper, as it’s only one device to buy.

Basically, take a look at your total setup and see what’s overall the most cost-effective solution for you.  It’s possible that getting one RAD2x for each consoles and a cheap HDMI switch might come in cheaper than a RetroTINK 2x, cables for each console (some work great with composite, others need HD Retrovision cables) and an analog video switch.

If you’re unaware of why you’d need a scaler at all, or are just curious how this all works, please start with the videos on top, then check out individual videos on the RAD2x cables below that.  It seems like a lot to watch, but if you’re really undecided on which solution is best for you, these should provide a much clearer path for you:

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